Category Archives: Mustachianism

November Numbers

This post was long overdue…

November 2015
Mortgage: 34.72% (+0.23)
Emergency fund: 100.02% (the 0.02% is interest received)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 20.09% (+0.13% YEAH! We passed the 20% mark!!! Multiply this amount by five and we’re FI)
Savings rate this month: 21% (Bummer…the hubby bought extra days off so he was paid a lot less this month)
Savings rate this year: 41% (Hmmm, I’d like to keep this above 40% this year…50% seems a bit too adventurous for us right now…)


Mrs EconoWiser

July Numbers

Woops, forgot to publish these!

July 2015
Mortgage: 33.93% (+0.15)
Emergency fund: 327.3% 313.2% (-14.1 because we invested a bunch)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 19.15% (+0.30%)
Savings rate this month: 47% (Almost 50%!!!)
Savings rate this year: 44% (hoorah!)

Lots of love,

Mrs EconoWiser

January Numbers

Januari 2015
Mortgage: 33% (0.15% increase)
Emergency fund: 3.14% (-15% due to large chunk of money which we invested)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 15.77% (+0.55% due to savings rate and bull market)
Savings rate this month: 28% (we pay our health care insurance annually, so we paid over €2,000 in one go AND the hubby went snowboarding in Winterberg for four days)
Savings rate this year: 28% (I am hoping for a 40% savings rate this year)

How did you do?


Mrs EconoWiser

The December Numbers

December 2014
Mortgage: 32.85% (1.15% increase)
Emergency fund: 329% (-71% due to the car purchase)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 15.22% (-1% due to the car purchase)
Spending to income ratio this month: 237% (including the car purchase) 68% without the car purchase…I was curious….
Spending to income ratio this year: 80% (including the car purchase) 64% without the car purchase…again…curiosity!

The fact that the car broke down messed up our cunning plan…oh well…shit happens.


Mrs EconoWiser

54%! Very Proud!

Hi y’all!

October 2014
Mortgage: 32.64% (0.09% increase)
Emergency fund: 395% (3% increase, due to the closing down sale of the side business)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 15.75% (slowly getting to 20%)
Income to spending ratio this month: 54% (Now that’s the way to do it!)
Income to spending ratio this year: 61% (<60% here we come!)

I’m very proud of the 54%.

I expect November to end up around 60%, due to certain purchases we have in mind. In December I’ll fetch my end-of-year bonus, so we’ll definitely stay under 60%. All in all, <60% spending to income over 2014 should be achievable. Wootwoot!

How did you do?


Mrs EconoWiser

This Month’s Numbers…I Discovered A Dumb Mistake In My Excel Sheet…We’re Much Closer To FI!

Have I ever told you I am a blonde? 😉 In The Netherlands we have all these dumb blonde jokes…and I now feel like one…

September 2014
Mortgage: 32.55% (0.15% increase)
Emergency fund: 392% (4% decrease, due to money going towards stocks, stocks are not included in our EF since they’re not liquid assets)
OMG! I have discovered a mistake in my Excel sheet…. the formula only added our Meesman accounts to our ‘Stash and didn’t include our BinckBank account…. D’OH D’OH D’OH….I never added these accounts to the formula after we started to invest with Vanguard at the start of this year…let’s blame the pregger hormones 😉 Anyway….we’re closer to being FI than I thought….woohoo!
Stash (=EF + stocks): 15.14% (20% or 1/5 here we come!)
Income to spending ratio this month: 59% (yeah! Even with a couple of extravagent expenses this month we managed to keep our spending below 60%!)
Income to spending ratio this year: 61% (<60% here we come!)

I mean, seriously, how could I not have noticed this mistake for months? Luckily the outcome is a pleasant surprise.

I implemented the formula for all previous months of this year and here’s an overview of our ‘Stash:

  • January: 9.67%
  • February: 9.88%
  • March: 10.36%
  • April: 10.57%
  • May: 12.13%
  • June: 12.44%
  • July: 14.39%
  • August: 14.86%
  • September: 15.14%

Jeez, will we be able to double our ‘Stash this year? Okay, there was a windfall…but these numbers are extremely motivating, aren’t they?


Mrs EconoWiser

BadAss Baby Biking

I hate the fact that I have to rely on our car so much of late. I bought this thing that can be installed on the back of one’s bike which holds a car seat. This way you can bike around a 4+ month old baby. Ours is only 3 months old, but I can’t wait till she’s 4 months old so I can hop on my bike with her.

DSCF6381 DSCF6382

And I customized my bike bags to fit. (I cut some holes in handy places)

This is some serious BadAss Baby Biking, isn’t it? Yeah, our baby is one of the youngest Mustachians out there!


Mrs EconoWiser

Last Month’s Numbers

Mortgage: 31.8% (0.6% increase)
Emergency fund: 342.4% (45.7% increase….our ER keeps growing like crazy, even though we’re investing our asses off….)
Stash: 10.77% (1.27% increase! Financial independence, here we come! Ow yeah, we love F-you money!)
Income to spending ratio this month: 30% (thanks to a huge tax return and “holiday money”)
Income to spending ratio this year: 57% (Ow, yeah!!! >60% here we come!!!)


Mrs EconoWiser