EconoWiser Steps

These are the EconoWiser steps that worked for me:

Either read about my advice for Pat the Rat or….

  1. Know where your money is going by keeping track of it
  2. Adopt a wise spending and sensible saving lifestyle, spend way less than you earn and try to increase the gap between spending and saving as much as possible
  3. Pay off all debt and/or avoid debt all together
  4. Build an emergency fund
  5. Learn how to invest in index funds*
  6. Make extra investment payments towards your retirement, if at all possible
  7. Create F-You money (which allows you to walk away from unwanted situations)
  8. Become financially independent (and retire early if you want to)

Now you have become an EconoWise-Ass!

I myself have reached step 7 and I’m working hard on step 8. I am halfway to FIRE. You can follow my progress in my money overview.

* I invest in Vanguard index funds and that’s it. No real estate, crypto currencies and what have you. I follow The Simple Path to Wealth by jlcollinsnh and have adapted his recipe so that it works in my country (The Netherlands) and probably in a lot of other countries around the world. I wrote a guest post about it.

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