Monthly Archives: October 2015

Last Month’s Numbers

September 2015
Mortgage: 34.40 (+0.29)
Emergency fund: 186.8% (-31.6% because we invested a bunch of stocks! Still…way too much cash for my liking….)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 18.76% (When will we pass 20%??)
Savings rate this month: 32% (Boohooh, October is going to be worse…we booked a holiday home for a week. However, that’s something we’re really going to enjoy! ❤ )
Savings rate this year: 43% (Ok)

BTW, I’m starting to see that this whole process of decluttering, essentialism, minimalism, ERE, mindfulness and whatnot are all related to each other. It’s awesome! #personalgrowth ❤


Mrs EconoWiser