Monthly Archives: September 2014

Currency Exchange Expense?

Today the VWRL dividends were paid and rolled into my BinckBank account. However, I expected to receive €0.25 for each stock. I got €0.24521 for each stock instead. Huh? I phoned BinckBank and they said it had to do with the exchange rate. Dividends are paid in another currency (dollars in this case) and then have to be converted to euros. So the announcement of the dividends being paid is more of a good guess…it could still be higher or lower.

Do you think the explanation this BinckBank employee gave me is the correct version?

It’s not the 15% dividend tax, which was his first guess (but those numbers didn’t add up anyway) before investigating the situation.

Oh dear, another effect to bear in mind…

The good news is: I bought another batch of shares. Yay!


Mrs EconoWiser

September Is “My Month” To Invest With Vanguard…Should I Wait For The Dividend Payment?

So, September is “my month” to buy Vanguard VWRL stocks. I know dividend will be paid at the end of this month. Should I wait for the dividend payment and automatically reinvest that, or should I invest the money now (and receive more dividend?).


Mrs EconoWiser

P.s. #pregnant #tired #hungry #fat … #BLESSED <3<3<3


August 2014
Mortgage: 32.4 (0.22% increase)
Emergency fund: 396% (2% decrease, due to money going towards stocks)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 12.86% 12.07% (0.79% increase due to investments and the bullish stock market)
Income to spending ratio this month: 57% (yeah! Even with the husband going to a 3-day music festival and spending lots on drinks and food)
Income to spending ratio this year: 61% (<60% here we come!)


Mrs EconoWiser