Monthly Archives: July 2014

This Month’s Numbers

July 2014
Mortgage: 32.18% (0.8% increase)
Emergency fund: 398% (57% increase….thanks to my windfall…we keep on throwing cash at our stocks on a monthly basis, but it will take a while before we get this down to 100%)
Stash: 12.07% (1.03% increase. FI, here we come! F-you money rocks!)
Income to spending ratio this month: 88% (we spent €1800 on a holiday home…since this will probably be my only holiday this year and we don’t want to take the baby camping just yet….sterilizing bottles without a microwave is a bitch….waahhhhhhwaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, yeah, we’re wussypants! And our irone throne (aka car) cost us €450 this month.) No, I did not include the windfall, since it doesn’t count as income.
Income to spending ratio this year: 62% (I’m not worried, we’ll get to <60% in 2014!)

Tomorrow, we’re off to our holiday home. Yeah!


Mrs EconoWiser



I did a pregnancy test today…and it was positive!

I’ll do a couple of other tests this week to double check.

Oh, how we would love to welcome a second child into our family!

And, no we didn’t expect things to go this quick. (But we certainly hoped so!)


Mrs EconoWiser


This week I received another windfall. This will increase our ‘stash by 1.7%. (100% is the number at which we’ll declare ourselves FI) So, yeah, this certainly helps!

The minute I saw it on my bank account I transferred it to my savings account. We’re still sticking to buying stocks on a monthly basis instead of dumping most of our ‘stash into it in one go. In the meantime VWRL stocks are almost €53 each. Yikes!

When is that damn crash coming? 😉


Mrs EconoWiser

The Side Business Continued

Thank you for all your thoughts on the side business.

Hiring an employee is a great idea! However, my side business is situated in an integrated part of our home. That would mean this employee would have to trot through our home in order to do his or her work. This is not an option.

I’d still like to be an entrepreneur. It’s just that this particular side business isn’t working for me. Firstly, I just can’t combine having to pick orders and send them with being a mother. Secondly, this side business just isn’t in line with my latest view of the world. I am selling crap and here I am condemning buying crap. That just doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t feel right anymore. I am thinking about becoming a budget coach or something like that on the side.That certainly would be more in line with the new me, don’t you think?

By the way, the day I told myself I was going to quit the side business felt like a huge load off my shoulders. I just know this is the right decision.


Mrs EconoWiser

I Am Thinking About Quitting The Side Business

I just can’t see how to fit in entrepreneurship with being a mum, a wife, a friend, CEO of this household, an employee and most importantly myself. I hate the fact that sometimes I have to spend time on the business, because parcels really should have been posted three days ago, instead of spending precious time with my daughter.

There’s really no other option. I just don’t see how I can pull this all off. I’d certainly regret spending time working on the business instead of time with my daughter later on in life. She’s three and a half months old and has figured out how to roll over from her back to her belly. That’s the important stuff, isn’t it?

Yes, it will have an impact on our wealth. Is it worth it? Hell yeah!


Mrs EconoWiser

The Numbers Are In

June 2014
Mortgage: 32.1% (0.3% increase)
Emergency fund: 341% (we keep on throwing cash at our stocks on a monthly basis, but it will take a while before we get this down to 100%)
Stash: 11.04% (0.27% increase. FI, here we come! F-you money rocks!)
Income to spending ratio this month: 67% (hm…where did that money go? We went to a music festival, got an indoor skiing membership for two months during the summer and bought lots of organic products like nappies and shower gel. That money wasn’t wasted from our point of view…however these expenses won’t help getting FI sooner…)
Income to spending ratio this year: 58% (Ow, yeah!!! <60% here we come!!!)


Mrs EconoWiser