September Numbers Revised

Hi friends,

So..,I forgot to include something in our September numbers.  Dividend was paid…and that’s income…right? However, I didn’t add that to our income…duhuh. Originally, these were the numbers:

September 2015
Mortgage: 34.40% (+0.29)
Emergency fund: 186.8% (-31.6% because we invested a bunch of stocks! Still…way too much cash for my liking….)
Stash (=EF + stocks): 18.76% (When will we pass 20%??)
Savings rate this month: 32% (Boohooh, October is going to be worse…we booked a holiday home for a week. However, that’s something we’re really going to enjoy! ❤ )
Savings rate this year: 43% (Ok)

Now that I included the dividend paid, we managed to boost our savings rate to 35% that month. Woot!

From now on, I will always add dividend to our income. Our VWRL stocks pay dividend in March, June, September and December. Our Meesman stocks will provide dividend mid-year, however the dividend is reinvested automatically. That’s still income, right?


Mrs EconoWiser

6 thoughts on “September Numbers Revised

  1. A Mustachian

    Whatever you say goes. Personally I don’t count automatically reinvested dividends because my standard for ‘income’ is that it makes it into my current account.

  2. elmariachiism

    found your blog (and MMM and jlcollinsnh, all in at the same day). I’m a 25 portuguese living in Germany just started working, no debt whatsoever, no car, no mortgage no TV nor cable contract (only internet :D) so I guess I already live pretty frugaly! I want to start investing in my future but Germany seems extremely complicated tax-wise and Vanguard’s funds are not so easy to buy. ING-DiBa asks for 2.50€ per order plus 0.25% to a maximum of 60€ per order plus courtage costs. 😡

    Something like “db x-trackers MSCI World Index UCITS ETF (DR) 1D ” on the other hand can be bought fee-free!

    Do you know what are people in Germany using in alternative to vanguard?


    (repost from he “about” page because all other posts there were very old)

  3. Team CF

    Same as noted by “a mustachian”, including dividend income with you “income” is a personal choice. We don’t include it in our income either for a simple reason. it’s not part of taxable income (i.e. does not fall under either box 1, 2 or 3) and stays within our investment accounts (either as cash or reinvested in stocks).

    To clarify further, we would consider income from work, personal loans, payments from crowdfunding sites, etc. that arrive on our checking account as “income”. That means that any owed taxes are also considered “expenses”. Everything arriving in our investment accounts automatically becomes “wealth”.

    Cool blog, love your part on index investing with Meesman. Seems to be one of the better choices for Dutch folks. Especially since the dividend is re-invested and pretty much brings the maintenance fee’s down to only about 0.1%.

      1. Team CF

        Nope, your not missing anything. However, the Meesman fund is apparently able to get most of the paid dividend tax back, which according to their site is approximately 0.4% per year (which is automatically reinvested). So you end up with approximately 0.1% in actual “cost” throughout the year, which is pretty good. Or arguably, you get a higher return and still have a TER of 0.5%, take your pick.

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