Last Month’s Numbers

April 2015
Mortgage: 33.47%
Emergency fund: 296% 
Stash (=EF + stocks): 17.3% 
Savings rate this month: 34% (we splurged on a new born photoshoot and another baby carrier, I had to pay “my own risk” health insurance…it’s a Dutch thingy)
Savings rate this year: 33% (+1%!!!! I am hoping for a 40% savings rate this year…but 50% would be awesome.)

From now on I’ll pick up blogging again…promise! 🙂

Lots of love,

Mrs EconoWiser

3 thoughts on “Last Month’s Numbers

    1. econowiser Post author

      Een tweede ergo baby performance carrier! Dezelfde als die we al hadden. Moeten er maar iets aan maken ter herkenning, want we hebben nu allebei een “eigen” en met eigen instellingen. Fijn!

  1. Mr. FSF

    Another good month, well done! Hope the family is doing well.
    Just a quick question, why is your emergency fund 300% and how did you calculate this (i.e. how did you establish your emergency fund amount)?


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