We Bought A Stroller

And guess what? It’s second-hand! Haha!

Last week the husband found out he was put in a second-hand stroller as a child. That was an eye opener for him and thus he was open for suggestions.

We visited these lovely, welcoming, clean and tidy people Thursday afternoon. They explained all about this stroller/pram thing and showed us the ropes. They used it for about a year for their first child and used it for the same amount of time for their second child. So, it’s been used for about two years in total. The thing looks great and we really felt we could trust these people. We chatted about many other things as well. It was sort of emotional for them too, they were letting go of lovely memories.

Anyway, we paid them €200 and they paid €1400 for it new. I am convinced it’ll last us a long time. Hopefully, it’ll do it’s duty while using it for two kids. Let’s just start with the first one.

We bought an all red Bugaboo Gecko including a maxi cosi which clicks onto it as well. It looks exactly like this set:


I just love it when a plan comes together. 🙂


Mrs EconoWiser

8 thoughts on “We Bought A Stroller

  1. rebekkastarfish

    Sounds like an awesome deal! And if it lasted two kids/years already, you know it’s not complete crap. I wouldn’t really worry about buying a quality stroller second hand if the source is trustworthy (preferably friends or extended family). What’s the difference between using it for three four kids in the same family or using it for one or two kids in one family and afterwords for one or two kids in another family? I guess the only thing I’d worry about is hygiene.

    1. econowiser Post author

      Yeah, we have a good feeling about it as well. The cool thing is that all fabric can be stripped off the stroller and thrown into the washing machine! So I’ll wash everything when I’m about 7 months so it’s ready. They’ve already washed it themselves, by the way.

  2. Valhalla

    Wel, als je je zo druk maakt over een tweedehands kinderwagen, waarom stuur je dan een baby van amper drie maanden naar een kdv vraag ik me dan af.. En waarom ga je zelf wel op een hotelbed liggen, maar freaken mensen over een babymatrasje, terwijl babietjes hooguit een beetje melk uit hun mondje laten lopen…

    1. econowiser Post author

      Ja, inderdaad. Hoeveel germs daar niet te vinden zijn?! Ik ben blij dat de manlief ook om is gegaan! Gelukkig ben ik geen smetvrezerig type. Gisteren kwam de manlief thuis met drie zakken kleertjes van vrienden meegekregen. Vandaag lekker uitzoeken!

  3. Cleo

    Goeie koop, aan je Bugaboo ga je nog veel plezier beleven!. Kijk wel even op de site van ze want volgens mij is er een terugroep/vervangactie van de beugel van de reiswieg. (Nooit iets van een mankement gemerkt overigens na 4 jaar intensief (2 kids) gebruik. Still going strong.)


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